Saturday, January 2, 2010

She's baaack

Well it's officially 1 month since I last wrote, and as one of my NY resolutions was to get back on here, I have dragged my sorry arse from the new Marian Keyes book (excellent as usual) to the laptop. And despite my stars today saying that my creative juices should be well and truly flowing this is HAAARRRRDD.

Well Magoo is six months and 14 days now. And boy is he becoming a handful. He blows raspberries which range from apparent joy to defiance, and his nighttime sleeping has gone out the window. It seems we are up half the night at the moment with a very peeved little child, probably because of the two little choppers that sprouted from his bottom gums a few days ago. Yes teeth. My little man is growing up :(

He's eating solids twice a day - porridge with fruit puree in the morning and vegies at night. He LOVES his solids and I have to say it is bloody funny to see him with food pasted over his face, arms and anything else he can manage. I can't make airplane noises (we all have our limitations) so I must resort to helicopter noises (chopperchopperchopperchopper) and bless him the little guy opens his mouth expectantly. Hubby of course can make airplane noises so Magoo just gets a bit of variety in term of which airborne vehicle delivers his mush.

At each stage of Magoo's development I have always said "This stage is lovely" and while it is true, because all bubbas are lovely, I have to say this stage is pretty darn good. He has an understanding of what's going on, and a developing personality. That said, he is getting really strong and physical, as he tries out all his weapons (sorry, limbs). I am so sick of getting kicked in the boobs, hair pulled etc, and changing his pants is like trying to pin a nappy to an octopus having an epileptic fit.

Is this what it's like to raise a boy? Probably. I really do need to prepare myself for the rough and tumble and high energy that a little boy has. But I guess the upside is that for now there is no pink to be seen in this house (thank God, I hate pink) - even if it does look like a rainforest has exploded inside my living room...

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