Monday, November 30, 2009

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Surprising Part 3

The Ugly

1. The bodily devastation of carrying a child. Although I have to say I am currently lighter than I've been in about 6 years. Just need to work on the tiny front bottom that's arrived due to the tummy muscle massacre.

2. Magoo's occasional inclination to sneeze and spew at the same time. Glorious.

3. Me at 1:30am. Nuff said. Although thank god for a hard drive recorder so I can catch up on Home and Away and Glee.

4. An overtired child. I used to be cynical when friends with kids would harp on about routine or missing a bedtime. I now wholeheartedly apologise to said friends.

5. When his movement monitor goes off in the middle of the night. Bloody thing is inclined to false alarm but I don't dare not use it. Waking up to a beep which COULD mean Magoo has stopped breathing is sheer terror.

1 comment:

  1. Sneezing and spewing? That is one hell of a party trick!
