Thursday, November 12, 2009

Perfect Match

I interrupt the Good, Bad, Ugly and Surprising series to celebrate a very special day. Today, the 13th November, is the 11 year anniversary of Hubby and I being together. Tomorrow will be our 5th wedding anniversary.

Hubby and I met in uni, and were part of a bigger group of friends. At first we didn't think much of each other. I thought he was a bit of a smooth talking, Irish player and he thought I was a short haired, angry little lesbian (no I wasn't a lesbian, I was just in a bit of a male-hating stage).

We hung out lots at the tavern having illusions cocktails and these really god choc chip cookies that they sold. I was apparently "off limits" to him as one of the other guys in the groups had put dibs on me. Obviously angry little lesbians were that guy's type!

I knew there was something between us when (I used to sleep walk and talk) I found myself sitting up in bed one night having an imaginary conversation with him and laughing my head off. I figured any person that I could laugh like that with, especially in my dreams, was someone I wanted to be with always.

We have supported each other through exams, long hours starting our careers, further study, living apart for four years, building a house, travelling lots, and always demanding jobs. And we have always adored each other.

And June this year we gave each other the best gift we could, our beautiful little Magoo. I wouldn't want to go through the parenting experience with anyone else.

Hubby, you are the most amazing partner a girl could ever hope for. You are super intelligent, faithful, mega handsome, funny, reliable and all the rest. I love you so so much and look forward to the rest of our lives together, whatever may come.

And I bet you're glad I'm no longer a short-haired, male hating angry little twit anymore too :)

Happy Anniversary hun.


  1. Naaaaaw........*spew* heh heh! So sweet - happy anniversary :)

  2. Aw thanks Grumpy. I know, a rare moment of mush from me and he may not even bloody read it!
    I should also point out that the "short haired" was not an attack on short haired girls ;o) Some girls (yourself included) were meant for short hair. I sadly looked like I should be eating a pie and going by the name of Ram.

  3. heh heh - didn't even think about the short-haired thing, so no offence taken at all ;) I do often wonder if ppl mistake me 4 a lady lover though......
